Goliad Stampede Sponsorships
Round 2 Is Officially Open
Please see Sponsorship Forms Below. If you have any questions please contact Keli Miller at 361-645-3454 ext. 2 or keli.miller@goliadtx.net

In the good ole days Goliad was known for their Goliad Stampede that included local cowboys and cowgirls pushing longhorn cattle through the Goliad square. It was discontinued after the Bicentennial in 1976 when 116 longhorns were spooked during the cattle drive and began to scatter into the crowd of onlookers and vehicles. This tradition is still talked about in the community, and we hope to carry this memory on with Goliad Stampede Greenspace installation.
This new public space will feature colorful plants, custom painted life size cattle & will be the grand entrance to the marketplace when vendors set up for our Monthly Market Days, Christmas in Goliad and all of our Main Street Community events. This is only the first stage of installing the cattle, we are confident that this trend will catch on in the community and over the next couple of years we will see these colorful custom painted cattle popping up all over town. We have plans to create a map for visitors and locals to follow along with and visit each steer during their visit. We are looking for partners to sponsor the 4 longhorns and will be accepting artist proposals. Each longhorn will receive a plaque acknowledging the: Sponsor, Artist, and Theme Name. If you are interested in being a partner please click below.
2024 Sponsors/Artists
Sponsored By: Backwoods & Bling
Artist: Mollie Janota
Sponsored By: Main Street Goliad
Artist: Savannah Mozisek
In Memory Of
John B. “Red” & Effie Young
Sponsored By: Joe & Rae Jean Young
Artist: Vicki Wimberly
In Memory Of
Garlan Hoff
Sponsored By: “The Hoff Girls”
Artist: Joshua Santellana Sr.
In Memory Of
Gentry Tumlinson & Don Stiles, Sr. World War II Veterans
Sponsored By Mattye Stiles
Artist Scott Mcmahon